Thursday, November 22, 2012

Eyepatch like a Pirate

I have a secret theory that people with eye patches are really just concealing their hidden powers. That is what Japan has taught me.

But no really, watch anime, read manga, see x-men/ the avengers. People with eye patches are pretty much bad asses. Also pirates. For whatever reason, you will almost always know that anyone wearing an eye patch has some super not so secret power they are about to unleash.
Moving on, this affects today's' culture in that it is completely acceptable to wear eye patches around Japan. I think it is all the imagery in their entertainment that has influenced it so, or possibly they just know something we don't about the awesomeness of eye patches, or they have super human powers. You can pick which one you want to believe, but when they unleash an ungodly amount of power when you become the super evil villain, I promise to tell you I told you so. But really, when I was a kid, I only really ever saw anyone wearing an eye patch a handful of times. And one of them was because this one girl had a 'lazy eye', also her eye patch was kinda lame.

Here I could not really tell you for what reasons they wear them. Sure some are purely for vanity and are decorated with rhinestones and lace, but others are your plain gauzy-white, breathable band-aid looking kind, that are more likely related to eye injuries. Regarding those eye injuries, I have exactly no clue what injuries would permit addressing oneself as a pirate, but it does make me wonder if they are either really serious injuries, or if we, in western culture, have been doing medicine wrong for years (or if it is useless and they serve no purpose). I have probably seen more than ten times the amount of eye patches living in Asia, than I have ever seen living in America. So yes the stereotype that they wear them is true, Japanese and Korean people for that matter seem to really like dressing up their faces between these eye patches and face masks. But I don't want you going around thinking everyone in Japan and Korea wears an eye patch and is secretly a Somalian pirate. They are not so common as that. I don't even think I could give you an accurate ratio, but I would certainly say it was less than one in a hundred, probably even one in a thousand. I just happen to live in a large city and see an incredible amount of people in my everyday life. After all, I never did live in New York or L.A....there could be more pirate-people there?

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