Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nap Time Cafe

Japan is no stranger to cafes.

One of the things that pleasently surprised me about Japan when I first moved here was the amount of small wonderful, non hipster filled cafes that you can find in all the crannies of Japan. Among these cafes, some are pretty awesome, and some are just...less awesome than others. And still others are known for their uniqueness like their maid cafes and cat cafes.

But this one is truly unique to me. Not even anime, manga, or any stereotype about  Japan prepared me for this level of greatness. Nap Cafes.
Nap cafes are exactly what you might think they are. A place to get a little bit of shut eye in the long working day. How is that so? Well they offer bedding of various types, chairs, loungers, hammocks, sofas, futons, beds. I am sure there is an even greater variety than just those too. So basically you can go there during your afternoon tea break, or during lunch, or just whenever you can make your escape for a bit of time, and rest up for the rest of your working day, and evening, and night. Yup that is right, night too. Japanese men and women probably need these cafes more than anyone I know. They work so hard and so late, the convenience store, 7-11 has a whole new meaning in Japan. It pretty much identifies with the hours that those salary men work.
These cafes become a necessity in not only offering the eyes and minds of salary men and women a bit of respite, but also function as the name suggest, as a cafe. Or at least the majority do. These cafes will serve things like coffee, teas, and what cafe is not complete without a bit of cake, no? Other say they offer aromatherapy  to help in relaxation or even a massage! How nice! And still more are only for women and have a make up room to help those women touch up their hair and make up so you that they don't have to do it on the train.

But these cafes do not come cheap. On lists 150 yen per min. That is nearly two American dollars. 10 minutes? You are already looking at over $15.00. The recommended power nap is what 45 minutes? that is well over $60.00. However the same cafe says they do several hour package plans at a much more reasonable price. So you are better off going for the long haul as opposed to just catching a few Z's.
Coincidentally, not a Nap cafe! haha!

Oh and here is a bonus if you are one of those Forever Alone types. There are some more specialized speel shops called Cuddle Cafes too. You can pay an extraordinary fee to cuddle with some stranger in a few select cafes. But that is about all you are allowed to do. Don't go getting hands all over her. You have you clothes on and they stay on. I am not even sure if you would have a private room. Not likely seeing as how some men would just take this opportunity a little too far. But wait! There is more! The same cuddle cafe is starting a delivery cuddle service. Not that seems a bit call girlish to me and probably pushes the envelope for the decency of well, pretty much anyone. But this is Japan, where people stick to rules and follow what other say even when no one is watching...most of the time.
So! What would it cost to get one of these beautiful girls by your side? Well there is an entrance fee, like there is with most specialty cafes, as well as a fee for whatever you do (coffee, sleeping, the amount of sleeping time, know the basics). So I think with the minimum, you are looking at spending about 6000 yen. Ouch.

Seems like a pretty big upgrade from sleeping in the chairs at those net cafes that people normally do. Also beats a few hours in a capsule I think. But those options are still open if public sleeping is not quite your style or if someone there is too loud in their sleep for you to get any rest. Come to think of if...I wonder what they would do in that sort of situation...

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