Thursday, May 16, 2013

Signs of Swallows

In America many people flock to the tattoo shops for permanence and symbolism. Everyone wants to unique and memorable. All the boys want tribal tattoos or skulls and stars and the girls will all have stars and feathers and birds. Especially birds. Swallows.

In America, swallows came to be of some significance not too long ago. I feel like it was my college years. And I can't even say what brought it about. It is not like we had many of them flying around, at least not to the degree that I find here. But I do know what they began to symbolize among the masses. The same thing everything else does. Love. Swallows are unique little birds that are said to mate for life never changing partners. 

In Japan, it is an entirely different matter, you don't see them on people bodies, nor their shirts, nor their accessories or jewelry. You find them where anyone else would find a bird: in the sky. Swallows are the bringers of summer here. A lot like uguisu is the bringer of spring with its warbles. Swallows chittering and nesting is the onslaught of summer. But more important than that. It is said that they're lucky. 
Many places, restaurants, store fronts, and homes will try to warn people of their presence when they are nesting nearby. The little birds are said to bring good fortune to nearby businesses and prosperity to all establishments where they adorn themselves. As such, places will put up signs, tell patrons to be a slight bit mindful of them, or merely lay down some news paper to capture their droppings making the street easier to clean. An additional mention or perhaps superstition, never have I seen anyone taking down their nests. 
Swallows will typically build their nests right under the overhang of a building. That little awning it has right before the street. And if the birds are more fortunate, the awnings or overhangs will have a little lip, ideal for nesting and catching little ones as they begin their tortuous lessons of flying. 

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