Thursday, September 6, 2012

Infomen: Info for Men

This is more or less exactly how it sounds. Info for men. 

Now I would let your minds wander and let you think whatever you please of that summary, but I will take all the fun out of it and put your dirty perverted minds at is EXACTLY how it sounds. Ha! Now I know you are thinking perverted thoughts!

Anyways this is a place that I am told will tell men where the local hostess clubs are or other man-needing info. This one pictured below even has a T.V., though it wasn't working when we happened by it. Interesting enough, these were quite a frequent occurrence, as in there were about 3 of them in as many or less blocks. It seems that this is a popular business venture come evening. I can't actually tell you if you have to pay to use their services, or if they are free, but I am prone to believe the latter. Since they weren't open I could not for some unfortunate friend of mine to go asking about for some manly information. 
Also this same situation begs the question as to when they are open. Again since I don't exactly frequent these venues, I would have to guess, but I would guess that they would be open at the very least Friday and Saturday from evening onwards. As my visit took place on a Sunday evening, I can either tell you that these are new and as yet to be used or they simply do not operate on Sundays. I am personally assuming the later as 3 new venues in close range to one another, all of which are closed is too much of a coincidence for them all to be new...
All in all I suppose I can't really tell you much about these except for that they exist! 

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